SB SkyGazer logo.jpg

The SaddleBrooke SkyGazers Astronomy club promotes an interest in astronomy through monthly meetings with speakers and monthly star parties (except in the summer). Club members do not need to own a telescope or binoculars. An interest in astronomy or what’s in the sky is all that’s needed.

Click on the menu options above for the calendar, meetings, star parties, and a photo gallery.

If you wish to join, please enclose a $5.00 check (per individual) payable to SkyGazers and mail to Sam Miller at 62930 E Silkwood Way, Tucson, AZ 85739. Our membership year is from October to October.

This website is still being worked on and will include more features. Currently, members don't have the ability to post to the News or Gallery sections. That will be coming. If you wish to have a photo or news item posted send it to Richard Spitzer. HIs email address is in the Members section.